Share Elliot's adventures and experiences as he spends two years serving in the Oklahoma City Spanish-speaking mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Missionary service: The story of Sid Going

Neil L. Andersen,
Sid Going
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
New pictures of Carlton Reininger
We just received new pictures of Carlton Reininger from his mom, Shannon. Looks like Carlton is doing great in Argentina! The baptism picture is with Elder Mitchell. The other picture is with Carlton's new companion, Elder Whittle.
Carlton Reininger,
Elder Mitchell,
Elder Whittle
Monday, April 25, 2011
Elliot's April 25 email
We got Elliot's latest email today. He got his package from home and it sounds like everything is going great. We're keeping an eye on the weather in Oklahoma, as it looks like some storms are on their way. As Oklahomans continue to pray for rain, they received some much-needed rain yesterday, although nowhere near enough to end the long drought. Much of Oklahoma was placed under tornado watch today, and a possible tornado was reported in the southeastern part of the state, far from Elliot. Here's his email.
I got everything mom thank you so much! Sorry you couldn't find my camelbak though. But it's awesome and my companion and I both love the Men of the Mo-Tab CD!
One of my new favorite quotes from President Monson is; "I firmly believe that the sweetest experience in mortality is to know that our Heavenly Father has worked through us to accomplish an objective in the life of another person." [To the Rescue, at 4.] It's just awesome to be able to have those kinds of experiences so often as a missionary. I really wouldn't trade it for anything right now.

I also have a package I've been meaning to send to dad for his birthday! But I haven't yet and now it's way late. Oops. But it'll come! I'll try to send it off this week. And next week I'll let you know when I'll be able to call and everything!
We had a pretty good week. I'm particularly excited about one family that we're teaching. We actually couldn't see them this past week, but they did tell the member of the church that referred them to us that they're excited about becoming Mormons. So needless to say that's going super well. We also had this awesome lesson with another member referral family we're teaching. They really didn't seem too interested in listening to us the first time we came by, and then cancelled the next appointment, and left us with kind of a don't call us, we'll call you type of deal. But we were gonna be in the neighborhood, so we just decided to drop by. They let us come in, and then she came out and told us about all of her life problems, which is quite common as a missionary, but then suddenly just realized that we were there for a reason. That God had sent us there. That we were more than just strange 20 year old guys in white shirts and ties. Her apathy really made a complete turn and we were able to teach her and help her she what she needs to do in turning to Christ to help her out. The Spirit really made her realize that we had something she needs.

I love you! Hope everything is going good.
Elder Elliot Adair
Oh I would’ve attached a picture of me and the bracelet but I forgot my camera today! Next time!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Rose rock from Oklahoma
As we mentioned in a recent story on Elliot's blog, Noble, Oklahoma, claims the title of "Rose Rock Capital of the World." The story included some pictures of rose rock (barite) that we gathered from the internet. But we'd never seen rose rock, or even heard of it, before Elliot landed in his new area. Then two nights ago, Elliot's mother and I served as chaperones at the Mormon Prom at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles. We were wandering through the Gem and Mineral Hall and began to wonder if we might see some rose rock. Sure enough, we found a display of rose rock from Edmond, Oklahoma. Here's a couple of pictures we took.

Mormon Messages: "His Sacred Name - An Easter Declaration"
"He is not here: for he is risen." Matthew 28:6.
Please enjoy this wonderful Easter video, with a message from President Thomas S. Monson.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
"Parched" -- Drought in Oklahoma

Unfortunately, the same is not true in Oklahoma. A recent feature story in the Purcell Register, where Elliot is currently assigned, tells the story of the terrible drought affecting Oklahoma:
Storm clouds usually darken the skies in the spring dropping inch after inch of rain on fertile farmland.
For the spring of 2011, those clouds have not been storm clouds, but clouds of smoke from wildfires blazing across the countryside.
McClain County and a huge section of central, south central and western Oklahoma are in a severe drought.

The situation is most dire in southwestern Oklahoma, where Tillman and portions of Cotton and Jackson counties were classified as being in extreme drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, released Thursday. All but the northeastern corner of the state is experiencing some degree of drought.
The last good rain was in November, and the snow that fell in February was too dry to amount to much moisture.

Zac [Harris, of], a fourth-generation farmer and rancher said, “Rain is mentioned more toward the first in our prayers and again at the last.” Hobart ,Oklahoma
"I urge Texans of all faiths and traditions to offer prayers on that day for the healing of our land, the rebuilding of our communities and the restoration of our normal and robust way of life."Oklahomans and Texans would undoubtedly invite all of us to join them in prayer in an effort to find relief from this drought.
Mormon Messages for Youth: "Dayton's Legs"

The story of Spencer and Dayton may ring familiar if you've heard of Team Hoyt, an amazing father and son triathlon team. If you enjoy the video of Spencer and Dayton, please watch the video posted after the jump, which tells the story of Team Hoyt. It's hard to imagine a more motivational story than that of Dick Hoyt and his son, Rick. Fair warning: have a box of tissues handy. This story really gets to me.
Carlton Reininger,
Dayton Hayward,
Dick Hoyt,
Rick Hoyt,
Spencer Zimmerman,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Murrah Federal Building bombing and President Monson on compassion
Sixteen years ago today, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed in an unprecedented act of domestic terrorism. 168 people were killed, including 19 children, and another 850 were injured. That singular event continues to shape the history and culture of Oklahoma City and its residents. For information about the bombing, please visit the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum. PBS has a compilation of news reports and videos, and there are many other reports on YouTube and elsewhere.
President Thomas S. Monson spoke of the Oklahoma City bombing in an address on compassion at the April 2001 General Conference:
President Thomas S. Monson spoke of the Oklahoma City bombing in an address on compassion at the April 2001 General Conference:
President Monson concludes his address:, is a most interesting place. In company with Elders Richard G. Scott, Rex D. Pinegar, and Larry W. Gibbons, I presided at a regional conference there just a short time ago. The facility in which we met was packed with members of the Church and other interested persons. The singing by the choir was heavenly, the spoken word inspiring, and the sweet spirit which prevailed during the conference will long be remembered. Oklahoma City ,Oklahoma
I reflected on my previous visits to this location, the beauty of the state song—“,” from the musical production of Rodgers and Hammerstein—and the wonderful hospitality of the people there. Oklahoma
This community’s spirit of compassionate help was tested in the extreme, however, on April 19, 1995, when a terrorist-planted bomb destroyed theAlfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown, taking 168 persons to their deaths and injuring countless others. Oklahoma City
Following the regional conference in, I was driven to the entrance of a beautiful and symbolic memorial which graces the area where the Murrah building once stood. It was a dreary, rainy day, which tended to underscore the pain and suffering which had occurred there. The memorial features a 400-foot reflecting pool. On one side of the pool are 168 empty glass and granite chairs in honor of each of the people killed. These are placed, as far as can be determined, where the fallen bodies were found. Oklahoma City
On the opposite side of the pool there stands, on a gentle rise of ground, a mature American elm tree—the only nearby tree to survive the destruction. It is appropriately and affectionately named “The Survivor Tree.” In regal splendor it honors those who survived the horrific blast.
My host directed my attention to the inscription above the gate of the memorial:
We come here to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever.
May all who leave here know the impact of violence.
May this memorial offer comfort, strength, peace, hope and serenity.
He then, with tears in his eyes and with a faltering voice, declared, “This community, and all the churches and citizens in it, have been galvanized together. In our grief we have become strong. In our spirit we have become united.”
We concluded that the best word to describe what had taken place was compassion.
I return in my thoughts to Oklahoma City. To me, it is beyond mere coincidence that now a temple of the Lord, in all its beauty, stands in that city as a heaven-sent beacon to mark the way to joy here on earth and eternal joy hereafter. Let us remember the words from the Psalms, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” [Psalms 30:5]
In a very real way, the Master speaks to us: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” [Revelation 3:20]
Let us listen for His knock. Let us open the door of our hearts, that He—the living example of true compassion—may enter, I sincerely pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Elliot's April 18 email and pictures of his apartment in Purcell

Our apartments are at the corner of 9th and Hallmark Blvd in Purcell. I think they're called Wind Ridge. It is terribly windy. The other day it was so windy that we couldn't even bike, so we walked, but it was crazy. One of those kiddie pools that you fill up with a hose flew past us in the air and rolled down the street like a half mile. Only in Oklahoma . I'm pretty sure that was the day where all of the other storms happened. We were just fine though here in Purcell. We're just hoping for some rain to because it's pretty bad out here.
Things are going really well out here actually. The members are super active in missionary work, and it's great. In fact, everyone that we're teaching right now has come from a member referral. And even though our teaching pool isn't super huge, we're seeing success and I'm really excited for what these next few transfers might bring. We've taught some awesome people these past few days, and I can really see how the work of members sharing the Gospel is paying off! The members even come out teaching with us quite a bit, and it's been mega awesome.
Well, I gotta run, sorry for the short email, but know that I'm happy and healthy and grateful for everything!
Love you!
Elder Elliot Adair
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Mormon Messages: "An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on Christ"
With Easter just a week ago, it seems appropriate to share the words of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland as he describes his thoughts on the Savior and His life and sacrifice for all of us. His address, "None Were With Him," was given at the April 2009 General Conference. Elder Holland's concluding challenge to each of us is powerful:
He has walked alone once. Now, may I ask that never again will He have to confront sin without our aid and assistance, that never again will He find only unresponsive onlookers when He sees you and me along His Via Dolorosa in our present day. As we approach this holy week—Passover Thursday with its Paschal Lamb, atoning Friday with its cross, Resurrection Sunday with its empty tomb—may we declare ourselves to be more fully disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, not in word only and not only in the flush of comfortable times but in deed and in courage and in faith, including when the path is lonely and when our cross is difficult to bear. This Easter week and always, may we stand by Jesus Christ “at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in, even until death,” [Mosiah 18:9] for surely that is how He stood by us when it was unto death and when He had to stand entirely and utterly alone.Enjoy the video after the jump.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Tornado tales

[Gilbert] Wilson [emergency management director and county commissioner for Atoka County] said the tornado started four or five miles west of Tushka and traveled east, destroying homes and the school in the town about 120 miles southeast of Oklahoma City.
As many as 100 homes and businesses, including the Tushka public school, were destroyed by the storm that hit about 7:30 p.m.,said. Authorities still are trying to determine the extent of the damage. Wilson
While we're glad Elliot appears to have been unaffected by this round of tornadoes, our thoughts and prayers certainly go out to those in Oklahoma and beyond who were not as lucky.
I did a little checking and found some good advice about what to do in a tornado from the University of Oklahoma Police Department tornado safety information page. I also discovered an online weather radio station that we can monitor the next time storms are predicted in the Oklahoma City area. As the charts below show, Oklahoma is the hot spot of tornadoes in the U.S. , and highest number of tornadoes happens in May, so we'll keep watching.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Aluminum Show visits Oklahoma City
From the "Oklahoma City stuff Elliot likely will never see" department, the Aluminum Show is performing now until April 17 at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. Here's a news video and a promotional clip featuring the performers. Looks like quite a show!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Elliot's April 11 email and pictures
Here's the latest email from Elliot, with some pictures. Sounds like he's settling in and enjoying his new area. Enjoy the pictures after the break.
So everything's going good out here in OK right now. Yesterday was the first time I went to church in this new area and it went really well! The ward's awesome and everyone is super nice and helpful. I'm really excited now to work here, and I think we'll see a lot of success.
Yesterday we actually got fed twice, a lunch and a dinner, and that alone is enough to make it a good day. But, way more awesomeness occurred. We had lunch with the Sextons, and before it was prepared, Brother Sexton took us to see a few of his friends. Both of the families we tried with him, he had been talking to about the church for a while. So we have plans to go back and see them and to what I can tell they're very prepared to receive the Gospel. Later on that night, after dinner with the Lambs, and all of their extended family, the former bishop asked us to go with him to give a blessing to a family that he's really good friends with, that aren't members. The dad has been having serious heart problems, but nothing that can't be overcome, but it's really been a big blow to them. We gave him a blessing as well as his wife and one of his sons. I really felt their pain that they were going through, and really just wanted to help. They have been good friends with members of the Church for a long time, and I feel like they would also be ready to get the happiness and peace that comes from living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We had an awesome day yesterday to cap off a pretty good week, and I really feel like we could see a few families get baptized within these next few transfers and work towards that goal of being together forever.
I'm happy, healthy, and well fed out here. Me and my companion are getting along well, and I'm having fun with the work. The guest room looks awesome mom! I love you all and hope you're doing well!
Elder Elliot Adair
And I attached some pictures so enjoy!
(The other missionary in one of the pictures is Elder Steven McCord Kimber, my last companion)
Newhall First Ward missionary newsletter
Here is the most recent Newhall First Ward missionary newsletter from Sister Connie Hollingworth. We really appreciate her putting this together every month! Enjoy the newsletter after the jump.
Amanda Beach,
Brett Gardiner,
Carlton Reininger,
CJ Norris,
Ian Loveland,
Javan Hatch,
Kyle Hill,
Merisa Hicks,
Missionary Newsletter,
Travis Beach
Friday, April 8, 2011
Pictures of Elder Kyle Hill

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
President Monson talks about temples at General Conference

In Saturday's opening session of Conference, President Monson announced that the Church will build three new temples, in Meridian, Idaho, Fort Collins, Colorado, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. With the construction of these new temples, there will be a total of five temples in Idaho (Boise, Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Rexburg, and Meridian), two in Colorado (Denver and Fort Collins), and nine in Canada (Cardston, Calgary (under construction), Edmonton, Toronto, Halifax, Montreal, Regina, Vancouver, and Winnipeg). The Church has created a website with details about the Winnipeg temple.

Here are some excerpts from President Monson's address:
During the October general conference in 1902, Church President Joseph F. Smith expressed in his opening address the hope that one day we would “have temples built in the various parts of the [world] where they are needed for the convenience of the people.”
During the first 150 years following the organization of the Church, from 1830 to 1980, 21 temples were built, including the temples in Kirtland, Ohio, and Nauvoo, Illinois. Contrast that with the 30 years since 1980, during which 115 temples were built and dedicated. With the announcement yesterday of 3 new temples, there are additionally 26 temples either under construction or in preconstruction stages. These numbers will continue to grow.
The goal President Joseph F. Smith hoped for in 1902 is becoming a reality. Our desire is to make the temple as accessible as possible to our members.
* * * * *
Why are so many willing to give so much in order to receive the blessings of the temple? Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings. There are never too many miles to travel, too many obstacles to overcome, or too much discomfort to endure. They understand that the saving ordinances received in the temple that permit us to someday return to our Heavenly Father in an eternal family relationship and to be endowed with blessings and power from on high are worth every sacrifice and every effort.
* * * * *
Now, my brothers and sisters, may I mention one more temple before I close. In the not-too-distant future as new temples take shape around the world, one will rise in a city which came into being over 2,500 years ago. I speak of the temple which is now being built in Rome, Italy.
Every temple is a house of God, filling the same functions and with identical blessings and ordinances. The Rome Italy Temple, uniquely, is being built in one of the most historic locations in the world, a city where the ancient Apostles Peter and Paul preached the gospel of Christ and where each was martyred.
Last October, as we gathered on a lovely pastoral site in the northeast corner of Rome, it was my opportunity to offer a prayer of dedication as we prepared to break the ground. I felt impressed to call upon Italian senator Lucio Malan and Rome’s vice-mayor Giuseppe Ciardi to be among the first to turn a shovelful of earth. Each had been a part of the decision to allow us to build a temple in their city.
The day was overcast but warm, and although rain threatened, not more than a drop or two fell. As the magnificent choir sang in Italian the beautiful strains of “The Spirit of God,” one felt as though heaven and earth were joined in a glorious hymn of praise and gratitude to Almighty God. Tears could not be restrained.
In a coming day, the faithful in this, the Eternal City, will receive ordinances eternal in nature in a holy house of God.
Enjoy the video of President Monson's address after the jump. And here's a link to a video of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Rome Temple.
General Conference,
Thomas S. Monson
Monday, April 4, 2011
Elliot's April 4 email
Here's Elliot's first report from his new area. It sounds like he's got some work to do, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Did y'all enjoy Conference? I thought it was so awesome. Maybe not quite as memorable as singing in it [Elliot sang in the MTC choir at last October's Priesthood session - see here and here], but I loved it. It's just amazing that no matter what you might be going through there's something in there that'll help.
Hey family!
That's exciting about the Honda Insight! [The Adairs traded in their fun car for a hybrid.] I'm gonna have to drive it when I get back. It very likely won't be as quick or flashy as the Z, but that's okay.

The new area's okay, and the members seem awesome. Since I've been here there's only been one day where we weren't fed, so I think me and this area should get along fine. The work is a bit slow, but I have big hopes for this area from what I've seen so far and from the success that missionaries have had in the past. My companion is Elder Endicott from St. Helens , Oregon , and is a bit of a character. But that's okay.
I feel like my story I tell you every week is about diligence, and how when everything seemed bad you just push a little farther and it works out. Well this week was just the same. They didn't really have investigators out here. Which is no bueno. It's like what Preach My Gospel says that nothing happens in missionary work until you find someone to teach. Well apparently they didn't bother looking last transfer. So the work is basically starting from scratch, which is fine, but that just means that we have a lot in front of us to do. By the time Sunday around 7 came around, not one investigator lesson had been taught in this area all week, which is tough. Lessons are the best part of missionary work. Seeing people understand more, ask questions and just that feeling of something is happening. Someone is being helped. So we tried the one last thing we had, which was to contact a referral for a part member family we got. Man it was awesome. Not only did we teach a lesson, but they were excited about it, let us right in, read with us and the kids were involved too. They're excited about church and everything. This was just another example to me that you just gotta keep moving forward, because there are a lot of people ready to hear the Gospel, even if at times it doesn't feel that way.
Well I love you all and am grateful for all of the support! Please pray for me in this new area that I'll be able to have success!
Elder Elliot Adair
P.S. I would send you pictures but I don't know how to use the darn OU Mac!
General Conference,
MTC Choir
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Elliot's new area: Noble-Purcell, Oklahoma

After the jump, check out some pictures, videos, and fun facts about Noble and Purcell, Oklahoma.
Heart of Oklahoma,
rose rock,
Trail of Tears
Mormon Messages: "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration"

The film will also help people better understand Latter-day Saint belief in modern prophets, the purpose of temples, and the eternal nature of family relationships. There is also additional context around historical events such as the First Vision — when God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith when he was 14 years old.
“Our hope is that people who aren’t familiar with the story will come away with an increased understanding of the role Joseph Smith played in restoring the Church of Jesus Christ,” John Garbett, who produced the new movie, said.

Saturday, April 2, 2011
General Conference
The April 2011 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints begins Saturday, April 2, with general sessions at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Pacific time on Saturday and Sunday, and a priesthood session at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time on Saturday. You may be able to watch it here on the blog on the video link below. If the video doesn't work here, you can watch it on the Church website. It's also available at many Mormon chapels and local cable television systems. Try the video link after the jump.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Oklahoma City Museum of Art: "Passages"

Passages' 14,000-square-foot, interactive, non-sectarian, worldwide traveling exhibition will enable visitors to see, touch, feel and experience the dramatic and surprising story of thousands of years of Bible history. Included in the exhibition is one of the earliest pieces of Genesis, along with the Codex Climaci Rescriptus, one of the earliest-surviving, near-complete Bibles, and the most extensive early biblical texts in Jesus' household language of Palestinian Aramaic.I hope Elliot has a chance to see this exhibit in OKC. It should be amazing. Enjoy some pictures and a news video about Passages after the jump.
"The Bible didn't come from Mount Sinai to Moses and end up in a Red Roof Inn desk drawer," continued [Collection Director Scott] Carroll. "There was a process and Passages tells the dramatic story of that process."
Oklahoma City Museum of Art,
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