Here's the latest email from Elliot, including his own account of the recent tornadoes. We were correct that
he was in meetings at the Stake Center in Moore, OK (pictured), when the tornadoes hit. Glad everything turned out ok.
So sorry I didn't send y'all an email this past week! The library here in
Purcell was
closed from like Monday to Thursday, and when we finally got a chance to come Saturday it wouldn't let me log on. But yes, I did survive the tornadoes. It was really crazy.
It was last Tuesday and we had the LTM
[leadership training meeting?]. My companion,
Elder Nield, was with another missionary in
Norman while we were in the
Moore Stake Center. After lunch, we were about to get restarted with meetings when
President Taylor told all of the District Leaders to call all of the missionaries and make sure they're okay. Then he had us all head in to the girls bathroom, I guess it's the safest room in the
Stake Center. We waited it out for a little while until he gave us the green to go to the hallway right outside.
Mazzios, incredibly, still delivered the pizza, even with the tornado sirens going off and everything. President was watching really closely with the radio and just looking outside to see if we needed to go back in the bathroom. I guess one of the mission trucks lifted a bit off the ground and it got real dark, prompting President Taylor to yell, "Everybody. get in the bathroom, NOW!" It was epicly intense. But it didn't kill all of us. Some places got wrecked pretty bad though. We've helped clean up in areas around
Newcastle. Our missionary work is still moving forward, President doesn't want us using all of our time to clean which is good. But yeah. It was crazy.
This past week, along with proselyting we helped gut, clean, and prepare a pig for our ward's luau. It was gross but awesome, and tasted super good. We had one of our investigators with a baptismal date come to the last hour of our church meetings (he couldn't come to the rest because of work). But he enjoyed it a lot. He said he wants to go to the temple and is very excited about all of the message that we've shared. He still has a way to go, I'm sure, but it's awesome. My English is becoming more Okie-fied every day, like this morning when I accidentally said, "I ain't never had to done that yet." I'm also learing the proper uses of "yonder," "out yonder," and "over yonder." So life's good.
I got your package mom, thanks! I've already eaten like half of the gummy bears and used most of the gift card. I haven't gotten ("ain't gotted" in Oklahoman) the stuff you ordered yet though dad, but hey that's okay.
Thanks for everything! I hope you have an awesome time in
Utah and with school winding down and everything.
I love you!
Elder Elliot Adair