We received a very nice email yesterday evening from Elliot's mission president, Nolan Taylor (pictured with his wife, Rhonda). Thankfully, all the missionaries in the Oklahoma City mission are safe and accounted for after yesterday's tornadoes. We appreciate having someone watching out for Elliot while he's gone! Here is President Taylor's message:
Dear parents: All the missionaries in the Oklahoma Oklahoma City Mission have checked in and all are safe following this afternoon’s storms. We experienced a number of significant tornados and severe thunderstorms around the mission this afternoon. The storms caused damage around the state but it is too early to know the full extent of the damage. We have emergency procedures in place in the event of severe storms and these procedures are posted in all of our apartments and we remind our missionaries of these procedures regularly. The procedures worked today but most importantly, we were protected by The Lord today. We will be assisting the wards and stakes with clean up as needed. Thank you for your support and love for our missionaries. Please contact me if you have any questions.
I was thinking of him, I'm glad he's safe!