Hey familia!
Earthquake!!! I sure did feel it in Moore. It was actually a pretty intense one. We had Elders Nield (my first son in the mission [meaning Elliot was Elder Nield's first missionary companion in Oklahoma]) and Doyle staying over for Stake Conference. We were sitting in the living room (all 6 of us) when we heard what sounded like the neighbors blasting some bass. Then all of a sudden everything started shaking. Elder Soto sprinted out the door, down the stairs and across the street while everyone else just took cover away from anything big that could fall. It was pretty funny. It made me think of the '93 Northridge earthquake [actually '94] when we were all under the table eating Cheetos. Good times.
We have 3 people with baptismal dates right now, 4 people came to church, and the ward is very excited about all that is going on. We've been busy between all that is going on and our responsibilities as Zone Leaders, but it's sweet. And Adrienne is going to get baptized next week! I'm going to see if I can get permission to go back to Texas to baptize her. Either way it's way cool.
As a zone leader I get to drive a truck, and I love my truck. I ll send you a picture!
Things are going really well here. The work is sweet and I'm excited to be able to help out in this work of extreme eternal significance.
Les amo!
Elder Elliot Adair
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