Here's the latest news from Elliot.
Actually if I could get a few more boxes of contacts that would be nice. I think I still have 2 or 3 boxes but that probably won't last all the way until the end of the mission.
And I didn't know JK got his call! Iowa, huh?
[JK McKeon of Newhall First Ward spoke in church yesterday before leaving on his mission to Iowa.] Maybe ya'll had told me that. But that's cool. Does he report this week?
This week I'm going to Texas to baptize Adrienne! Ella va a ser bautizada
[she is going to be baptized] on Thursday and she asked if I could baptize her and President gave me permission. I'm super excited.
Me and Elder Soto both got pretty sick this past week and were out for most of Friday and Saturday, but it was still a really productive week. I also had the opportunity to do 2 baptismal interviews, the 4th and 5th I've done, which is one of the coolest things to do on the mission. I'm gonna be conducting another interview on Friday this week, only it'll be my first in Spanish so I'm kinda nervous. My Spanish feels pretty rusty, but I'm sure it'll be another cool experience.
We also have a couple of investigators with baptismal dates here in Moore. One is going to be baptized on the 27th. He's way legit and we've taught him most everything. Another investigator is supposed to get baptized on December 3rd. We have to help her overcome a few challenges before then but she really has a desire to be baptized and has been coming to church these past few weeks. Life is good here. The members are excited, we're excited and things are looking up. We have a dinner every night from now through the first week of December, so I'm getting taken care of. Everyone here is way helpful.
This should be Bro. Sorenson's number
[my old missionary companion]. We're having dinner with the Sorensons on the 26th.

This area is fun. It's cool being in a 4 man apartment. Our other 2 roommates are Elder Curtis, who was in my district in Wichita Falls, and Elder Clements, who is a relatively new missionary. There's always something funny going on and always someone to talk to. This zone is the most concentrated in the mission. Pretty much every P-day the whole zone gets together to play sports or games or whatever. This past week we went to the park and played football and I think we're going to the park again to play that and kickball. It's cool seeing everyone when in a lot of other zones you don't see all of the other missionaries except maybe once or twice a transfer. Also, we got a Christmas tree. Never too early to have a Christmas tree.
So everything is sweet out here. Hope y'all have an awesome week!
Love ya!
Elder Elliot